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VMS 14.10 FAQ: 1) What are the main differences between 8.59 and VMS14 a. Customizable Live and Playback Layout b. Live and playback preview windows c. Drag and Drop Live Channels d.
Fisheye dewarp available in Individual Channels e. Windows Service Mode f. Features adobe illustrator cc for mac. Multiple monitor support w/ customizable live view layout g. Timeline playback 2) If I have older version of Control Center/VSM/Center V2—do I need to upgrade, and how can I upgrade to keep my current settings?

Using VMS14.10 will require you to upgrade Control Center, VSM, Center v2, and Dispatch Server to the latest. Fast Backup and Restore (FBR) utility can be used to backup the current settings and transfer them to the newer Control Center, VSM, Center v2, and Dispatch Server. Note: The newer Control Center, VSM, Center v2, and Dispatch Server will DVR/NVR 8.59+ and VMS 14.10. 1 1.jpg (16.09 KiB) Viewed 5268 times 3) Can I upgrade from 8.59 to VMS14 and have all my settings transfer (FBR)? Since the VMS14.10 is a completely new software design, the Fast Backup and Restore (FBR) utility can’t be used to transfer the settings. Note: Customer can uninstall 8.59 software, the password/Recording path/Camera list would be transferred over when installing the VMS14.10.
4) What is the minimum hardware requirement for VMS14? 32 bit WinXP / Vista / 7 / 8 / Server2008 64 bit Win7 / 8, Server2008 / 2012 Core i3 4130, 4 GB RAM, 1 NIC for 32 Channels Core i7 4770, 8 GB RAM, 2 NIC for 64 Channels Recommended: Haswell Chipset motherboard for GPU decoding of 1-5MP IP Cameras. Core i7 4770 (or higher the better), 16 GB RAM, 3+ NIC for 64 Channels 5) Can I combine 3rd party IP Camera Dongle with VMS 32 channel add on? No, The older 3rd party IP Camera Dongle needs to be upgraded to support the new VMS 14.10 software 6) What are best practices to spread loading between HDD’s with 64 IP Cameras on one system.
2 2.gif (33.85 KiB) Viewed 5268 times 1 HDD can be stored 22 5MP Cam (5MP fps is 10, 220/10 = 22) 1 HDD can be stored 22 4MP cam (4MP fps is 15, 330/15 = 22) 1 HDD can be stored 22 3MP cam (3MP fps is 20, 440/20 = 22) 1 HDD can be stored 22 2MP Cam (2MP fps is 30, 660/30 = 22) 1 HDD can be stored 22 1.3MP Cam (1.3MP fps is 30, 660/30 = 22) 7) How do you get remote access from phone or tablet or PC? IPhone/iPad/Androids is supported w/ VMS 14.10 and 8.59 (w/ patch) using the application called GV-Eye 2.1. Fisheye Dewarp. Pinch to Zoom. Remote Playback.

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IP Address (search, name, and change). Remote I/O trigger. PTZ Control. 1 way Audio GV-Edge Recording Manager is used for viewing live channels and will be offered in PC / MAC Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox is used for viewing live channels Remote Viewlog is used to access saved/recorded video clips remotely (offsite) 8) Does VMS 14.10 include the same Backup Server from MultiCam 8.59? Unfortunately this feature has been removed but they can use GV-Backup Center, which is a great reliable program 9) GPU Decoding for GV-FE dewarp required Direct x9 for MultiCam 8.59 but Microsoft no longer support it in Windows 8/8.1 or Server 2012 Direct x10 or higher is required for GV-FE dewarp on VMS 14.10 10) Does VMS support ONVIF? Yes, VMS support ONVIF protocol and has the ability to use the multiple profiles built into ONVIF.
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