Simplify3d V3.1.1 For Mac

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Simplify3d V3.1.1 For Mac 4,1/5 8065 reviews

I like Simplify3D because it have something to do with my models pretty good but I hate its 'Active Internet Connection' because I have desktop computer which is connected to internet no problem but not for my laptop which do not have anything hooked up to connections like WiFi or internet - just computer itself independently. Simplify3D won't helped me to solve my laptop's limitation of connection. Simplify3D required to have internet.on while using Simplify3D.

It imprisoned me with my desktop all the time. I think Simplify3D people are somewhat narrow-minded toward their customers. So, I still uses it while I am in my desktop room. Simplify3D, thank a lot! Of course, I do also Cura v2.7. It is pretty good, too.

Yes, all the times.even after installing S3d, it still required to have it connected to S3d. I checked Google to see anyone have that kind of same happened to me. They did talked about their desires to be independed from the internet connection but cannot.For example, my S3d account have been logged out then later, went back to S3d and have to login first then to run those S3d. I told S3d company & I already paid for the software but still have to login - if the software is still have my login account on as the S3d exited.

Open S3d again then login will not be needed because my login is still on unless log it out then have to enter login input. What a drag for S3d users to do that - that is why my laptop cannot do without any linked to outside. With my Laptop, I use Cura because it is pretty good as S3d so I hope someday S3d turned their hearts to S3d users's desires of independence from the internet connection. S3D indeed has no acceleration control but every speed above 60mm/sec in XYZWare for Pro makes my machine bump from the table while in S3D I can set speeds like 80mm/sec without any problem.

For best results though, I recommend speed settings like 30 to 40mm/sec maximum. This gives the most decent print results with the Da Vinci Pro printer. But then again, and I mean this in all honesty, how can you not like to have options for almost every other setting?

In XYZWare for pro, you have no control what so ever. You can't set temperature changes on different layer heights, You can't set infill changes depending on what part of the print you are in, Etc. If you don't use these functions, then I don't understand why you bought S3D in the first place? I have since tested the MatterControl software and it Works incredebly well.

I also discovered that you can sabe files and copy the g code in any form you need on a flash drive or SD card. There is also custom code provision for start, finish, before tool change, after tool change, and layer change. This software is in other words more powerful tan Simplify3D and i managed to do in a single day what i tried to do and failed in a month with Simplify3d wtht the same settings which i knew to be correct.

I Recommend this software hands down as the best i have seen and i have seen a few in 20 years. I have had Simplify3d for three years now. I was thrilled by it at the beginning.

I thought it was everything i ever looked for in software. The single prints are amazing with ABS and even the dual extruder results (FlashForge Greator Pro) were ok. If you use any material other than the standard ABS and you need some control for your parts beyond temperature, i.e. Oozing, retraction control, scripts for tool changes and so on, it is simply a disaster. Useless, a waste of money. Something else that you will not get with Simplify 3d is support.

Every email i sent in the past three years was answered by vague generalized useless suggestions or references to blogs and user posts. Other than registration and update problems, i have never been able to resolve any actual technical problem with them. Another thing that your $150 will not buy you is a person to talk to. No phone number, no live person.

If you want the software for playing around and building toys, its perfect. It will take the headache out of everyday life.

If you want it for work. Hi Chat, Unfortunately I do not have a better alternative. I have been using 3D printers from the dawn of the technology almost 20 years ago. I have used them on big industrial machines and the capabilities are amazing. I am now in business on my own and therefore use smaller and less expensive machines that do not come with their own customized software that the 100K machines come with and i have been suffering since. Simplify3d has been great for simple things. It has however been a desaster for advanced materials or for nozzle customization.

So much so, that i thought the printer firmware was defective and the translation was off. After review of the G-code it is Simplify3d that has grosely missmanaged commands. Unfortunately my printer uses S3G and no direct code manipulation and further compiling was successful. I am at a loss for a truly profesional slicing software. Hi, Thanks for your answer. After reading your answer, I don't really understand your first response. If there is no better alternative, and in my opinion there isn't, then Simplify3D is the only alternative.

I am the first to say that it can be improved or that I am missing some possibilities to have better control over my machines, but then again, my machines understand only halve the Gcode that Simplify3D can send. Most of the problems I have with the combination of Simplify3D and my Da Vinci Pro for example is the stupid ignorance of my machine to accept very common Gcode outputted by Simplify3D but ignored by my printer. I have been looking at most of the alternatives, like Cura, Slic3r, etc, but they all have less options then Simplify3D. Also, when I have to create support structures, there is no other slicer that even comes close to what Simplify3D does.

Simplify3d 4.0.1 torrent

If you know any slicer that does a better job, I would like to hear it. Again, I would love to talk to someone of the development team of Simplify3D and give them some hints in what I would like in the software, but we have to deal with it that they are not very responsive.

But hey, there is no alternative that comes close. With regards, Brian. Hi Brian, Since I am using this, or at least trying to use this printer for living, yesterday i decided to simply buy whatever I need, no matter what the cost to get my job done.

On this exhaustive research, which I had started long ago, but had to go through all the B.S. Websites of 'best X slicing software of 20XX' I stumbled on a jem.

It is called 'MatterControl 1.6' not as pretty as Simplify3d, but it has ALL the functions Simplify3d has, it is FREE and it seems to follow instructions, unlike Simplify3d that when it comes to nozzle control it simply goes haywire. The only drawback I have found is that I have not found a way to save my g-code or X3G file for later and that you really have to set up the accelerations completely in your firmware because MC uses them instead of setting its own. I am absolutely thrilled with this software. I am testing it now, so things my come up, but it looks very promising. Note that i have also tried all of the 'best 20 software of every year' and they are wholly disappointing. What about slic3r through the XYZware? Does XYZware fix all things that it considers wrong?

I know if you set the temperature outside of where an XYZ printer is allowed to run, an error pops up when you import the gcode and you have to allow it to set the temperature lower. But what happens if you have decided to upgrade to an E3D hotend, and happen to have installed a.25mm nozzle and specified.25mm nozzle in slic3r? Will the XYZware correct things to the.4mm nozzle and thus ruin your tool paths? Hi Greg, To be honest, I don't know.

Since XYZWare for Pro didn't allow me to change the temperature of my nozzle above 240C, even after using Slic3r to create Gcode, I couldn't use XYZWare for Pro anymore. I do know however that in Simplify3D you can set your nozzle size and choose a temperature like 265C (I like printing with PETG) and that the Da Vinci Pro does it all, unless you got the original hot-end installed. This hot-end just won't heat up above 245 no matter what you do.

With an E3Dv6 it works perfect. Ive heard so much about S3D on how good it is. Maybe so, but updates are virtually non-existent.

You cant tell me they have a perfect computer program. I have programs like CorelDraw, they've been out for years and are still perfecting it and ironing out bugs etc with frequent updates. 6 months I've had the DV Pro, and S3D is still using version 3.0.2 with no promise or updated blog info when it will be compatible with the Pro or 3 in 1. I'm sorry, but this company likes keeping vendors in the dark (like the mushroom gag). Not very professional. Ok, first I must say. I am really liking my DaVinci Pro.

I put the E3D V6 printhead on, and after realizing I had some filament that didn't get along with it, I am back in business printing along. I have ordered another 3D printer that currently is compatible with Simplify 3D. I went ahead and bought S3D.

For fun I sliced a file that took 7 Min with XYZ's sofwftare to slice. My guess it took less than 7 sec to slice with Simply 3D not exaggerating. It was 7 min with XYZ software.

Keep in mind I am running a Macintosh. But it is pretty stout one 5K iMac maxed out 4Ghz Skylake. So I can't wait for it to support the DaVinci pro 1.0. I think Da Vinci Pro owners may have S3D support soon. This was the response I got when I asked' 'Greetings, Thank you for contacting Simplify3D support.

Simplify3d V3.1.1 For Mac

I'd be happy to assist you with your question. We are currently working to add support for the Da Vinci 1.0 Pro model.

We hope to have it added in our next software update very soon. I hope this helps, Please email me back if you need further assistance. Thank you again for contacting Simplify3D support. Regards, James Wagner Product Support Simplify3D All-in-One 3D Printing Software'. If it is PLA it clogs because of inefficient cooling fan which allows throat to get hot soften PLA in throat and jam try running a little cooler, check temperature settings and curve within S3D these are limited by the cartridge in the slot. If ABS then check temps again and nozzle may need cleaning see XYZ site videos for removong, I clean using flame or using PLA then warming to 110-120 and removing PLA with a tug which can pull a lot of rubbish from inside, care should be taken when doing so it comes away suddenly when softened enough and brings away contaminates with it. Any ABS should print no problem see recommended temperatures.

It allows left extruder on 2.0 to run ignoring cartridge chip I think on the 1.0 you'll need to flash the firmware, I have uploaded instructions on here that allow you to do all the work before touching the printer. Its pretty simple you cannot really brick the board without doing physical damage to it, and it makes printer much better than with XYZ firmware but voids warranty obviously, however their support was a joke and after a month of their male cow excrement it was a no brainer for me, the warranty is not worth a thing when I found the errors in their software and the fact it rips of customers they said tough we don't care about trading standards we operate from the Netherlands. I'm running Simplify3D on a stock Da Vinci Duo. If you have zero intention of flashing a different firmware on your printer (for obvious warranty issues) then simplify 3D is a no brainer. I believe the software is on par with RepetierHost but as it stands RepetierHost wont connect to the Da Vinci without flashing the board.

To the best of my understanding, Simplify3D is the only alternative to XYZWare on a stock Da Vinci. I suggest you Read everything that user Lucan07 has documented on this matter. I'm also documenting my own experiences on this thread. I purchased S3D about a month back and couldn't be happier with it, flashed my duo 2.0a to repetier last night to get rid of the awful XYZ firmware and limitations, even S3D prints far better now as I have control. Its not cheap but a good investment I use it on my Duo and Wanhao i3 and have yet to find any real fault with it the faults I thought it had were cured by dumping the XYZ firmware and restrictions, can now print with £12 a kg PLA and ABS from ebay with far superior results than I ever managed under XYZ firmware temps up to 270c and 130c no cartridge errors no allowance for size I get what I ask for. In my humble opinion savings on filament, including wastage mean I can save the cost of S3D every two months and no longer thinking about building grinder extruder to salvage the filament XYZ was wasting. After going through the code for the Reptier firmware I decided all the bad press online is to do with people not knowing how to use the software.

I bit the bullet and flashed my printer to Repetier.92 and apart from a couple of minor install problems which were easily overcome by going back to DOS window, it was simple. I am impressed by the printer now and will use it more, my Wanhao i3 was my go to machine for important prints, my Deltabot for smaller prints and the Da Vinci always gave me more problems than either. So far its been flawless with PLA, ABS and Flexible(Semi) PLA, haven't fed it any NinjaFlex yet as the throat needs reworking in 1.75mm its like trying to feed rubber bands any gap and it pops through. Can recomend it as problems with XYZ support were a joke, male cow excrement on top of male cow excrement, it voids the warranty but at worst I could replace all boards with mega and ramps for £20 and motors with better ones for £8 each so they can stick warranty where the sun don't shine, virtually impossible to brick the board without physically damaging it despite what people say. I have had my Da Vinci 2.0 and brought Simplify3d 3 days later the quality was not there the layer delamination was appalling so after some research I bit the bullet and brought the software at a cost of almost a quarter of the machine I was apprehensive.

But the results are great setting bed and extruder temps and being in control of almost every action of the print is worth the money tried and failed miserably to print two colour frog with XYZware and it ended up straight in the bin which is a shame as the difference with S3D would have told the story. Macro photograph of Tree frog here as it came off the bed with no cleaning apart from lifting the wipe shell away.

The software is not without its faults but I also have another bonus on my Duo 2.0a in that prints via S3D are not registering use from my left hand cartridge for some reason so I can use any make and amount of filament. Fault is not with cartridge as tried a few. Cannot guarantee this will be the case for all but an interesting side effect of the software, went back to XYZware for tests and registered against cartridges so leaving a cartridge in the bay and connecting outside spools I am free to use filament of my choosing. The full controls in S3D allow me to use PLA with an ABS cartridge in the bay, or simply refill cartridges with any make of filament without the need for resetting or acquiring a chip as they never clock down. Downside is that at the end of a spool it could continue so external spooling is my choice. Yeah attempted it several times and this is the result: Attempting connection at.

Testing plaintext communication protocol. RECEIVED: RECEIVED: Testing binary communication protocol.

RECEIVED: RECEIVED: Testing alternate communication protocols. RECEIVED: RECEIVED: Attempting RTS reset and trying again. Connection failed. Attempting connection at. Testing plaintext communication protocol.

RECEIVED: RECEIVED: Testing binary communication protocol. RECEIVED: RECEIVED: Testing alternate communication protocols. RECEIVED: RECEIVED: Attempting RTS reset and trying again. Connection failed. Attempting connection at.

Testing plaintext communication protocol. Testing binary communication protocol. Testing alternate communication protocols. Attempting RTS reset and trying again. Connection failed.

Windows says its fine in the control panel, and the XYZ software(yuck) connects no problem. Pretty screen tho, bit like the 2.0a dual extruder seemed like a good idea at the time but my Wanhao/Prusa i3 is better for that just pause and change filament is easy, the dual head if you have an imperfect layer it gets ripped up by the cold head when not in use. We live and learn next machine will be built by me and i will get what I want, one or two extruder heads to plug in as req'd a laser for engraving, and a dremel flexible shaft for milling cutting.

Just don't make the same mistake twice. On the plus side S3D seem to co operate with XYZ and as your printer is relatively new it may be added shortly. Yeah, I have taken in the 'new' factor in consideration maybe in the upcoming months.

Maybe, luckily I do have a Dremel Idea Builder that does work splendidly with Simplify3d! I too am in the process of building a multi head delta style with the largest volume possible in my office space at home, my minimum would be 20inches dia and 48 in height, im thinking this would be a 7ft machine overall and perform like the Delta WASP already have the vision now to source the parts! I put in a request with simplify3d about the 1.1plus and we'll see what they say. I hate that I buy newest tech instead of the tried! UPDATE: Since version 3.0 has been released, (actually version 3.0.1 now) the developers have addressed many of my complaints. The program sort of grows on you too the more you use it.

The infill problem has been fixed, and works extremely well. I now strongly recommend it. I've been using Repetier Host on several printers (and Repetier firmware on my DaVinci) for quite awhile.

I've been hearing the glowing reviews of Simplify 3D here and many other places, and it piqued my interest. I needed a better slicing software for the Flashforge Creator Pro I just bought at work, because ReplicatorG seemed downright stoneage. Unfortunately Repetier does not talk the proprietary binary format that the Sailfish/Makerbot firmware uses (.x3g). So, I bought S3D at work and decided to try it on my machines at home first.

So far I've used it mainly on my Kossel delta printer and here are some of my observations. S3D is not as stable as Repetier. I've been able to crash it several times - never had Repetier crash on me. Biggest problem - It is seriously flawed in the way it grossly under-extrudes infill patterns. Trying to configure it to compensate helps slightly, but creates other issues. The under extrusion on the infilled areas causes random holes in top layer solid fills unless you do a lot of top layers. Repetier/Cura does it right - S3D does not.

Their.xml configuration files (called.FFF files) are munged by the program whenever you try to export (save) them. I can edit them manually in notepad and resave them and everything works fine. But if I try to export them from inside the program, some of the carefully tweaked settings are deleted everytime.

Very frustrating. Their are several other seemingly small omissions that drive me nuts. For example, Repetier host lets me change the fan speed, and other parameters on the fly and shows me what they currently are. S3D lets me change fan speed also - but it provides no feedback on what the current values are!

If the G-code sets a fan speed, I have no idea what it is. The UI is more what I'd call 'Sugar Coated'. It looks flashy, but underneath the organization is lacking compared to Repetier.

In summary, I don't think I'd choose S3D over Repetier/CuraEngine unless I had a model that needed some relatively complicated support material. That is the main area where it shines compared to Cura or anything else that I've seen. I'm not exactly sure myself what the exact differences are between Raoetier Host/Cura.

I do know that Simplified3D works with the Da Vinci stock firmware and that it gives very fine control of how each layer can be printed. Here's some links you might find useful in answering your question: Personally I got it because I didn't want to modify the firmware of my printer but I wanted better control and options for printing. I'm happy with it since it has done everything I've hoped for. If you've already flashed Repetier firmware then there might not be enough of an incentive to buy Simplify3D. Well, I wiped the stock firmware and installed Repetier firmware pretty much as soon as I got the printer.

I didn't like the idea of being forced to use their cartridge, or even a refilled cartridge for that matter, although I do refill the cartridges most of the time because it's a nice way to keep the filament from getting tangled up. However, the even bigger thing I didn't like was the idea of their server being able to modify things on MY printer without MY permission. No way that was happening. I believe that if you want to get full control over your DaVinci, you actually have to flash Repetier firmware on it anyway. The stock firmware will limit you even when using Simplify3D because it does not support the full set of expanded G codes and M codes. That's what I've read anyway.

I don't know the details. I've been reading the product description and there does seem to be a few neat features in there that Repetier host doesn't have yet. Some of them have to do with very detailed control over support structures. The Slic3r and Cura slicers bundled in with Repetier host are a lot more powerful than XYZware in this area, but still not quite as versatile as Simplify3D. I'm going to have to read some more to see if there are additional features that it has which would be of value.

The price difference between $0 and $149 is pretty significant. I forked out for it (expensive) so that I could avoid using the very annoying XYZware (slow, clunky, crude, limited.need I go on?) It works well and gives some more control. I particularly like being able to place supports manually. It is fast at slicing, very fast compared to XYZ, And print quality seems better too. It has bells and whistles which are nice like previewing the print line by line although I don't know how this helps. With the stock firmware I'm still running (1.0.3) you don't get full control over all settings.

No temperature control, no movement override, remote jog doesn't seem to work. But these are limitations I can live with for now, being a noob. I will probably replace the firmware too at some point so I can unlock the filament limitation (another annoyance, price and lack of choice & colours). My conclusion is that the combination of the very solid and affordable Da Vinci machine with the ease of use that Simplify 3D offers is a winner.! I don't think Da Vinci have done themselves any favours bringing a well developed machine to market with seriously deficient software to run it.

More users would forgive being locked in to using their filament (not many, but more) if the software worked better. It doesn't and we are all looking hard for alternatives.

Simplify 3D is part of my solution. The temperatures can be changed but only lower to what the cartridge chip is set to. By default it's 210C.

I used the XYZPRO cartridge resetter to change the temperature to 235C so now I can set the temperature to that or bellow in Simplify 3D. The cartridge resetter is also useful for using 3rd party filaments because you can just leave you XYZ cartridge connected and just use the 3rd party spool outside the printer and then reset the XYZPrinting cartridge to it's original length.

The bed temperature can be set without the resetter and I put mine to 100C with great result. Coming from using a Cubify Cube Pro Duo the XYZWare software is already wwaaaaaaay better than Cubify one. Simplify3D is indeed better than XYZWare and in combination with the XYZPRO cartridge resetter has met all my needs. Besides temperature control and being able to use 3rd party filaments it also has a lot of other nice features. The skirt you can print around the object definitely seems to help with lifting corners. Very fine tuning of support option is also great.

I would recommend Simply3D if bought with a cartridge resetter if using the stock firmware. I almost got the Xerocart as well but opted for the XYZPRO because I sort of like the cartridges and figured I can just refill them with 3rd party filament later. Looking forward to seeing your feedback on the Xerocart. Yeahhhh sucky is actually a bit to kind for the Cube Pro software.

Fatal is probably more appropriate. The software crashes, creates hollow/detached walls and supports that can't be removed and too spaced out. The Cube Pro Duo is pretty much sitting at work doing nothing. Hopefully Simplify3D will have proper support for it in the future.

Yes, I kinda like the cartridges as well. I'm hoping I haven't totally sacrificed the ability to use them, perhaps rewound with more exotic filaments.

If they just won't physically fit in I'll just print one of those spool hangers I guess. Can't help thinking XYZ would have sold a lot more cartridges if their software had been more mature and if you could get a wider range of colors. Grey for instance, I mean really, no grey.!? Will report back once the Xerocart finally arrives down in New Zealand. I see that XYZ is starting to sell refill spools that you can install in the cartridges now. The come with a new chip. Rewinding the cartridges spools yourself isn't that hard, especially if you print or make a rewinder tool that connects to an electric drill.

I do it all the time. The only thing you have to watch out for is to not wind the filament too tight.

If you do, the sides of the spool will bow outward and they will drag in the cartridge. If they don't spin freely with no drag, you'll have printing issues. Update: XYZerocart arrived today. Setup was straight forward and I'm running my first test print through Simplify 3D. All running normally without the cartridge seated in the bay.

But the good news for me, since I quite like the cartridges, is that there is enough height in the cartridge bay to just sit the cartridge on top of the XYZEROCART.! So I can just rewind the cartridge spools if I want. All options are now open. And no need to use repetier firmware to get full control. The only downside of being able to reset the cartridge filament length is that you lose track of the actual length remaining on the cart. Worst case you could potentially start to print something you don't quite have enough filament for.

I wonder if there is a workaround for that? Perhaps weigh an empty cart and a known length of filament and use that to estimate length remaining from cart weight.

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