Terra Cloud Csp Word For Mac
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Links to, or requests, for ROMs, and posts explicitly promoting piracy, aren't allowed. All 18+ content must have a NSFW tag. No politics - Don't bring political commentary to, as it often leads to divisive arguments and frustration. We'll remove such comments and posts. I loved Cloud in the original game.
He was likable and goofy. Not edgy or too serious.
Even after he regains his proper memories, he's still a likable spiky hair doof. Advent Children, Dissidia, and Kingdom Hearts made him this weird edgy soft spoken mystery man and I hate it.
If I bring this up to people they swear that's how he always is, but it's not. Advent Children cloud would never wear a dress. Although I really like his Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts designs, I hate his personality. And the voice acting is so off and quiet and forced slow. Maybe to exaggerate emotion?
That's why I'm skeptical about 7-remake. I know Nomura is going to make him unnecessarily edgy. Cloud is my favourite character in general. I think his arc through CCVIIAC is nothing short of beautiful and incredibly human as he attempts to reconcile with his regrets and depression. He also has a great design (personally the AC design is my favourite of his). Idk what i'm really supposed to say about him in combat though. I liked his swordplay in Advent Children, and I liked how during the final battle he and Sephiroth were leaping around ridiculous heights and distances, it was a nice visualisation of how powerful they were during the endgame of VII (Dissidia did this approach too).

He's kind of a boring character, compared to other protagonists like Cecil, or Terra or Celes. Granted i've only played VII but he's just a little bit flaccid in terms of development and personality. In terms of combat yeah he's the most powerful guy in the game, but that doesnt really make up for his 'bluhhhh who am i. What am i doing.'
Emo story arc. Cecil explored the flawed hero angle much better, while Celes and Terra both had incredible depth and development. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a guy who thinks FFVI is the greatest game of all time, I'm more than a little biased.
I like Cloud. He's just on the low end of Final Fantasy characters in my opinion. Sure he has the cool supersoldier thing going for him but I just am not a huge fan of the character himself. I feel as though much of his screen time is not used well to develop him.
He has sudden jumps and many development jumps in the original don't seem to do much to develop him. I think a lot of it was simply used to up his cool factor such as in the motorcycle scene. Granted, my enjoyment of him has diminished over time so I'm sure part of it is the hype causing a bit of resentment. I also think a lot of these problems stem from the English translation itself. The original Japanese seems to make him much more human from what I have seen. Unfortunately I am not familiar with Japanese so I can't see much for myself.
Terra Cloud Csp Word For Mac Free
With that said, he was an excellent character as the eyes of the player for most of the game and I love that he is an unreliable narrator. I would rather have had Zack as the main protagonist but I'm sure that's a common sentiment. Again, I like him, but he's far from my favorite both in his game and in comparison to the other main protagonists. He's very fun to watch in combat of course.
The Advent Children fights were a blast to watch although you don't get to see much of his skill in his other showings. Of course stat wise, he is the best character in VII.
It makes sense from a story telling perspective given his background (I won't say anymore in case someone hasn't played it). I also think it is interesting that events caused such a turn around given that at the start of the timeline he was kind of a weakling. His power was given to him. I think that's what makes him interesting and takes away some of my interest at the same time. It's something that is a bit of a running theme in the early games in the series. However with Cloud it's on another level given certain events that are heavily story related but will not be stated given that there are no spoiler tags. Cloud was a good character, very relatable and human.
Not your usual hero in a fantasy story, since he was 'flawed' and couldn't achieve his ambition of becoming a SOLDIER. How many of us have dreams of becoming something great only to be thwarted by circumstances? Cloud dealt with the shame of failure by becoming Zack, the person he idolized. This leads to his mental breakdown. Only after his breakdown does Cloud become okay with himself, flaws and all. Your usual protagonist is a two-dimensional superman who excels at everything.
Very boring, in other words. He's one of the most relatable main characters in Final Fantasy. Not at first because he starts off in cool soldier mode.
Ever since the beginning he's capable of being a bastard, but also able to have sympathetic exchanges with people, and be charming while chatting up Aerith. So he isn't one-note.

The path he took to try to join Soldier are very much based on relatable things, like overcoming a perceived flaw, of being weak, internalising the blame placed on him for Tifa's injury, and wanting her to acknowledge him as a friend/person/love interest. Whatever he really wanted from her back then. The fact that the results of mako exposure only did what they did to him because of the person he was make the plot-focused amnesia more earned than in most games it's present. While going through the game I like that he can be an arse, crack jokes, be introspective, and whatever a real person might do.
He's very much a simple character, the most average type in Final Fantasy VII. His Limit Breaks early on focus on damage while others have more interesting effects. Amongst his first 4 Limits, the best one is Curse/Cross Slash. It paralyses the target. That's very useful.
Especially because Deathblow will automatically hit a paralysed target. His weapons don't have specially good slots, and he doesn't usually get powerful weapons before other characters do. They're also not specially precise, so no Deathblow or blind attacking. His late weapons are good for raising materia, and give him a good spirit boost, especially good in the Playstation releases of the game, where you can't get magic defence out of weapons. I like to use him for healing and tanking, while using other characters for physical and magical attacking. His late Limit Breaks are quite good. Instant death to random encounters, and multi-hitting attacks for bosses.
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