Tsm 7 For Mac

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This content is no longer maintained. Please visit our. Academic Computing and Communications Center ADSM/TSM - Network Backup for Macs Panther Install ADSM TSM Backup for Mac OS X 10.3.9 to 10.4.6: Installation. 2. Download the New TSM Client The ACCC ADSM Mac Clients directory has a subdirectory with the latest client appropriate for Mac Classic, Mac OS X from 10.3.9 to 10.4.6, Mac OS X 10.4.7 to 10.4.11, and Mac OS 10.5.

(Other Mac OS X's are not supported.) This page describes the client used for Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Panther) to 10.4.6 (Tiger). Click on the appropriate directory and download the.dmg file appropriate for your Mac OS X.

In this case, click OSX10.3.9 As of November, 2008, the version of the TSM client for Mac OS 10.3.9 to 10.4.6 is However, whatever you find is in the download directory is up to the current date.

Double-click on.dmg you downloaded to open the TSMInstaller 'disk' with the TSMInstaller in it. Install the TSM Client Note: The instructions in this section are for Version 5.3.2-6. The illustrations are from Version 5.3.2 but 5.3.6 is similar. TSM Versions 5.2 and lower must be uninstalled when you upgrade to any higher version. However,: Note: Due to differences between this and prior versions of Tivoli Storage Manager, the installation will remove prior versions of Tivoli Storage Manager. The prior installations that will be removed include the following:.

/Applications/Tivoli Storage Manager v5.1. /Applications/Tivoli Storage Manager v5.2. /Applications/Tivoli Storage Manager v5.2.2. /Applications/Tivoli Storage Manager v5.2.3. /Applications/Tivoli Storage Manager v5.2.4. /Applications/Tivoli Storage Manager v5.2.5 If versions prior to Version 5.3.2 are installed in some other location, the following must be done before installation:. Remove or rename the existing TSM System Preferences and TSM User Preference files in /Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager.

Delete the prior versions. So if this is to be believed, the newer versions will uninstall previous 5.2 versions for you if you installed them in the usual place. I can't confirm this because I had Version 5.3.4 on my Mac and Version installed without any problems over it.

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If you decide to uninstall it yourself,See The ADSM Mac FAQ Regardless of what you decide to do, you might want to keep a copy of your: /Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/TSM System Preferences file, which has in it all the Preferences that you set in your old TSM installation. Copy it to your desktop or somewhere easy to get to. Then you can use open the old option files in a text editor and use the Configuration Assistant and the Preferences editor to set your Preference options to the values in the old preference file.

You can't just copy it, the include/exclude file format has changed. Note that the order of these steps seems to vary from time to time, in particular when it asks you to login to TSM. Please keep an open mind and if you see something that seems out of place, read a few steps ahead to see if you can find it there. Double-click on the TSMInstaller icon (Step 2 above) to start the installation.

Tsm 7 For Mac

You will be asked to enter the name and password of a Mac administrator account; do so and click OK to continue. Click Continue on the TSM welcome screen. Read the displayed Read Me text; you might also want to print it. Click Continue to continue.

Next you'll be asked which 'install type' you wish to perform. We recommend you choose the default Easy Install. The install location is selected on the same screen. The default location is the Tivoli Storage Manager folder in the Applications folder in your Macintosh HD. We recommend that you keep that default also. Click Install to continue.

A popup screen showing the progress as the TSM files are installed will open. When the install finished, a screen saying the software has been successfully installed will open.

Click Quit when it finishes. You will be left in your Tivoli Storage Manager folder in your Applications folder. Notes: The TSM Installation Manual and User's Guide is in the Tivoli Storage Manager folder in your Mac X Applications folder: double-click on TSM HTML Manual. It's well written and has an easy-to-use table of contents.

The TSM Preferences are written into the following files, where Macintosh HD is your current Startup volume:. Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/TSM System Preferences. Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/TSM User Preferences The default permissions on the Tivoli Storage Manager folder are 755 ( u=rwx, g=rx, o=rx); if you need to change the permissions, use the Darwin shell command: sudo chmod 775 'Tivoli Storage Manager' 4. Configure Your TSM Client Make sure you have your ADSM nodename, server name, and password before you open TSM: You need your ADSM node name, server name, and to know or have your ADSM password for this step. See for register and password information. We have given everyone their 'own' ADSM server associated with their ADSM account, with a server hostname of the form: yournodename.adsmserv.uic.edu Your nodename is netid.adsm 1, thus the server name for Ada Byron's adabyron.adsm1 ADSM account is: adabyron.adsm1.adsmserv.uic.edu The port in all cases is 1500. (Note that the '.adsm1' has nothing to do with the number of the ADSM server you are using - it's the number of your ADSM account - 1.

) So:. ServerName/Server Address: netid.adsm1.adsmserv.uic.edu. Port: 1500 Important Note: I've done this install a number of times, and it seems that the order of some of the requests can vary. So if something happens that isn't what you expected, read ahead or behind to see if you can find it. The files being modified by the TSM setup process are (where Macintosh HD is your startup Volume):.

Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/TSM System Preferences. Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/TSM User Preferences. If necessary, open your TSM client folder in your Mac X Applications folder: double-click Tivoli Storage Manager folder, then double-click on TSM Backup for Administrators to set up TSM. You will be asked to enter the name and password of a Mac administrator account; do so and click OK to continue. The TSM Client Configuration Assistant selection screen will open.

If it doesn't, select Setup Assistant from the Utilities menu. You want to configure how your files will be backed up and also want to (that way your files will get backed up on a regular basis even if you forget to do it yourself - a very good thing). A popup screen might tell you that the TCA file permissions are not correct. Click Yes that you want to correct them. Click both Help me configure the TSM Backup Archive Client and Help me configure the TSM Client Acceptor Daemon and the TSM Client Scheduler. The assistant will help you configure the backup client and then the scheduler.

Click OK to continue. At some point in each task you will be asked to log in to 'a TSM server'. Your nodename will be filled in; type and click Login.

Make sure you use the correct ADSM password; the TSM client can not tell you if you have not. Continuing on,. The TSM Client Configuration Assistant will ask what you want to do. If you're first setting up your TMS client, then you want Set options for all users.

If you're modifying previous work, then you want Update options for all users. Whichever is appropriate for your case will be selected by default.

Click the right arrow in the bottom right to go to the next screen. Next add the name of your ADSM server: We have given everyone their 'own' ADSM server associated with their ADSM account, with a server hostname of the form: yournodename.adsmserv.uic.edu Your nodename is netid.adsm 1, thus the server name for Ada Byron's adabyron.adsm1 ADSM account is: adabyron.adsm1.adsmserv.uic.edu Cli ck the New Server button, type the name of your ADSM server in the TSM server name: box, then click OK. Click the right arrow in the bottom right to go to the next screen. Next it asks for TCP/IP address of the TSM server. Enter your ADSM server's name again: yournodename.adsmserv.uic.edu Your nodename is netid.adsm 1, thus the server name for Ada Byron's adabyron.adsm1 ADSM account is: adabyron.adsm1.adsmserv.uic.edu The Port: is 1500 Click the right arrow in the bottom right to go to the next screen. A popup screen will open complaining that the node name contains periods and asking whether you want to remove them. Click No to continue.

For TSM authentication, enter your TSM node name; it will be your netid followed. So Ada Byron, whose netid is adabryon, would have the node name: adabyron.adsm1 Type your node name in the What is the TSM node name to use? Box and click the right arrow in the bottom right to go to the next screen. The next three panels define which directories and files that TSM will backup. For now, it's easiest to just take TSM's defaults by clicking on the right arrow to go to the next window. These panels are Domain and Include-Exclude lists. Leave everything that is selected selected.

We will modify them in TSM Preferences. Click Finish on the Completing the TSM Client Configuration Assistant screen. Now the TSM Client Acceptor Daemon and TSM Client Scheduler. TSM Scheduling is a process that enables your Mac to automatically run incremental backups once a day. You don't have to do this, but face it - if you don't have ADSM back up your Mac automatically will it realistically get backed up on a regular basis at all? Running the scheduler won't cost you anything.

All you have to do is leave your Mac running and attached to the UIC network when your leave the office in the afternoon. Note: the ADSM server will automatically be configured to work with your client's scheduler when you. if necessary to open the TSM Scheduler Wizard. If you have to login again, make sure you use your correct ADSM password; the TSM client can't tell you if you use the wrong one. If you're first setting up your TMS scheduler, then you want to Install a new scheduler.

If you're modifying previous work, then you want to Update a previously installed scheduler. The appropriate one will be selected by default. Click the right arrow in the bottom right to go to the next screen. The Schedule Preferences screen opens. The defaults for these settings are correct:. Retry period: 20 Minutes. Maximum command retries: 2.

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Client Acceptor Port: 1000. Click Select. Beside Schedule Log:. Schedule log location: Macintosh HD:Library:Logs:tivoli:tsm:TSM Schedule Log and. Prune the log at a reasonable time interval. No need to click Define.

Beside Schedule Command:. Sched Mode: Polling. Query Schedule Interval: 12 Hours. TSM can be quite prolific with its logs; it's useful to purge older logs. To set this up, click the Select. Button beside Schedule Log on the Scheduler Preferences screen. The default location for the logs is /Macintosh HD/Library/tivoli/tsm/TSM Schedule Log.

(Where Macintosh HD is your startup volume. The TSM Error Log is in that folder too.) This is a good place for them.

Click Prune Old Entries, then decide how long you want to keep old entries and fill in the Keep pruned entries for box. Click OK to return to the Preferences screen. The rest of the Schedule Preferences are correct, including Polling Schedule Mode (which tells the TSM client to wake up every so often and tell the Client Acceptor Daemon to check whether it should run a backup) and Client Acceptor Port 1000. Click OK to select the defaults on the Scheduler Preferences screen.

Click Finish. Restart your Mac. If you get a warning that 'an item in the Startup Items folder does not have proper security settings.' . If you had to fix the security settings, you will be asked for your Mac password, after which your will have to Restart your Mac.

TSM Preferences - Password Generate You can set all of the options that you set using the TSM Client Configuration Assistant individually in TSM Preferences. Open the TSM for Administrators Backup Client and select Preferences from the TSM Backup menu.

One option we need to talk about is the Authorization option passwordaccess. Passwordaccess is automatically set to Password Generate when you install the client scheduler using the Setup Assistant. That is the setting that we recommend you use. Password Generate encrypts and stores your password locally in a file - TSM.PWD, kept in the directory with the TSM logs - and generates a new password when your old password expires. The bottom line is, when you open the TSM client on your Mac, you will not need to know or enter your ADSM password for the your node. But you will have access to your files and to the files that other users have granted you access to.

You will be a virtual root user for your machine when you use TSM Backup for Administrators. Using Password Generate protects you from having anyone else sniff your password over the Internet and login to your ADSM backups without your knowledge. (There is no limitation to logging into to your backup files by IP address or anything like that. If there were, you couldn't use ADSM to recall files when you get a new computer or when you're using a backup computer when your regular computer is unavailable or being repaired.) So long as you set your TSM up to use Password Generate, you won't have to enter your ADSM password when you open TSM Backup. You will have to enter your Mac account password when you open TSM Backup for Administrators. You will need your ADSM password to set up Password Generate. If you need your ADSM password and don't know it, use your netid and ACCC password to change it to something that you know; see.

If there is something wrong with your password file - which happens - or if you just want to, you can change your ADSM password to something you know and use that instead of Password Generate. Other TSM Preferences Now we'll go into TSM Preferences make a few changes to the Include/Exclude lists and check a few other preferences. Open the TSM for Administrators Backup Client and select Preferences from the TSM Backup menu. The first preference panel is General; that has your node name and if you click Select beside Error Log:, you can select pruning for your TSM Error Log file, which is at HD/Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm/TSM Error Log.

Also select Rename non-Unicode filespaces during backup/archive. This is necessary when switching to a Unicode system such as TSM Client Version 5.3. On the Backup panel, click the Compress objects option. Select root (' /') for the Domain List, and select anything that isn't root in the Exclude these domain(s) from backup box. Use Command-click to select multiple items.

On the Restore panel click the Ask user before replacing radio button. I'm going to tell you how to add and Include/Exclude rule in Preferences because you should know, but you shouldn't do it now. See below for more informatiom. If you were adding Include-Exclude rules now, here is how you would do it.

On the Include-Exclude panel, if you use Firefox browser, you would add its cache:. With Backup selected from the Category dropdown list,. Pick Exclude.Dir from the Type dropdown list.

Type: /./Library/Application Support/Firefox/./Cache in the box. (Or cut -and-paste.) Note that there are no quotation marks. Note that the added Exclude rule has quotation marks. Make sure what gets added looks exactly like the bottom statement in the illustration: EXCLUDE.DIR '/./Library/Application Support/Firefox/./Cache' If it doesn't match exactly, you probably won't be able to open TSM. In the same way, also add the following; it was left out from the list in the TSM manual: EXCLUDE.DIR '/private/var/db/netinfo/local.nidb' See below for these and lots more additions.

On the Scheduler panel click the Select button beside Schedule Log, then you can enter the filename of the TSM Schedule Log: /Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm/TSM Schedule Log and click Prune old entries and select a reasonable number of days to keep the entries. The next preference panel that needs attention is Authorization. Click Password Generate. Click Save Encryption key password locally. Location: /Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm (same place as the log files).


Leave the Groups and Users alone. These specify which groups and users on your Mac may use TSM. The default is everyone, which is probably what you want.

Click OK, then quit TSM. Start TSM for Administrators up again, login, and log back out again. This should create an encrypted password file in the directory with the TSM logs, /Macintosh HD/Library/tivoli/tsm/TSM.PWD Search in Finder for: tivoli to find this directory. If you don't have a TSM.PWD file, try changing your and logging in with the new ADSM password.

(TSM on the Mac doesn't seem to be able to tell a good password from a bad one, but a bad one won't create a TSM.PWD file.) - INCLUDE/EXCLUDE System Preferences There are some excludes that you'll probably want to enter into your TSM System Preferences file. These are the ones recommended in the TSM manual.

Problem This document contains instructions for downloading the most current fix packs and interim fixes from Fix Central. You can download the IBM Spectrum Protect server and client, IBM Spectrum Protect for SAN, and the Operations Center. The IBM Spectrum Protect for SAN (storage agent) product is packaged with the server.

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Resolving The Problem Tip: The product now known as IBM Spectrum Protect™ was named IBM Tivoli® Storage Manager in releases earlier than Version 7.1.3. To learn more about the rebranding transition, see.

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