Broadcom 802.11 Linux Sta Wireless Drivers For Mac

Broadcom Bcm4352 Linux Driver

Solved - thanks to all who made efforts! Hi, I am completely new to Linux and have problems in setting up a wireless internet connection. Having looked at a number of websites and Forum entries, the reason seems to be an inappropriate drive for the Broadcom WLAN card. So I uninstalled the default Broadcom driver (broadcom-sta-common) and tried others (b43-fwcutter, firmware-b43-installer), but I did not manage to get it running.
The lamp of the wireless key did in no case light up. Can somebody help me? Below is the information about the labtop configuration.
Remoulder wrote:That card may require the STA driver, not all version are supported by b43. Is there anything recommended in System Settings Hardware Drivers? I am not quite sure if I have understood correctly the suggestion. I did not find 'System Settings Hardware Drivers'.
Broadcom Drivers For Linux
However, if I go to 'Control Center Additional Drivers' there is the option to activate the 'Broadcom STA wireless driver'. I had activated and removed this driver several times at the beginning and have just now activated it again. However, the blue light of the wireless button does not turn on and no wireless networks are displayed by using e.g. The programme 'WiFi radar'. Is there something I miss? Ubuntu variants have odd reactions to Broadcom wifi. I have the BCM4318 that fell through the cracks and got sidelined.
Your BCM 4311 is a previous revision and there is plenty of info at If there is no wifi after installation invoke synaptic package mngr and search on Broadcom and remove all Broadcom drivers present and reboot. If you get wifi it is built into the kernel and you need do no more but if there isn't invoke a terminal and do sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer This procedure has worked every time for me.
The only catch is that it has to be done immediately after installation or before any other action(s) concerning wifi. I finally managed to get Wifi on my laptop with Linux Mint 13 following the instructions of: 1) First I checked that the broadcom device is supported. 2) Then I installed the tool: firmware-b43-installer 3) Then I entered the terminal and ran the following commands (see aforementined website): 1 export FIRMWAREINSTALLDIR='/lib/firmware' 2 wget 3 tar xjf broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2 4 sudo b43-fwcutter -w '$FIRMWAREINSTALLDIR' broadcom-wl-5.100.138/linux/wlapsta.o After this, the lamp of the wireless key went on and I could connect via the network manager. Gosh; this is an old thread that has come alive; this seems to me the definitive how-to for Broadcom on current Ubuntu (and Mint); so one checks through the list on the above link: and for current ubuntu/mint.and a 4311.seems to me the command is sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree that has the advantage of simplicity.lfinger is a noted wireless developer most prominent on the OpenSuse forums (for anyone following in the wake of this thread.).
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