Earthlink's Help For Mac

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Click to expand.I found my own solution. The iPhone set up in iTunes searches your computer for existing email accounts and imports the settings. Even when I tried to change them but my changes were to no avail. I deleted my Mindspring account and entered it manually instead.

Here are the settings used: Incoming Mail Server Host: User: Password:. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Host: User: Password:. ADVANCED: SSL off in both cases Authentication MD5 Challenge-Response I hope this helps any other new Mindspring users. This worked for me Account - ON POP Account Information: Name (name you want to use) Address: Description: (name you want to see on the list of e-mail accounts) Incoming Mail Server: Host Name - User Name - Password - Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Host Name - User Name - Password - ADVANCED - (select to open) Deleted Messages - (your preference) Incoming Settings Use SSL - OFF Authentication - password Delete from server - (your preference) Server Port - 110 Outgoing Settings Use SSL - ON. Opening attachments sent from mac to earthlink. Hello All, This is not exactly a mac rumor but I can't find anywhere else to post my question. I receive email from clients who have macintosh machines which have pdf attachments.

I have an earthlink account and prefer to read my mail on webmail. Unfortunately these attachments do not register with webmail, so it is impossible to open the attachment on-line.

When I download the email, the attachment shows up. I have tried to report the problem to earthlink but it does not seem likely they will fix it because I suspect it is a problem deep in their system. In any case, what I need is a workaround. I am hoping there is some sort of work around on the mac end.

If there was something I could tell my clients to do change, their settings or something, so that the message are handled differently. By the way, so far as I know there is no problem the other way. When I send an attachment to someone with a mac I have never had a complaint about not being able to see it. Thank you for your time to read this question. Best Wishes, Bob Taylor philologos at mindspring dot com. Same prob on my IPhone 5. I deleted the email account and set up the identical account again and works fine now.

What I discovered was when deleting the account, a question popped up 'do you (screen name here) really want to do this? Here's the key point-it listed an old screen name deleted from Apple/I Tunes long ago which somehow slipped back in and was the prob. Even though the right screen name appeared in my settings the screen name at Apple was diff.

When deleting the acct I lost my drafted emails which couldnt be sent but nothing else.

A friend (not nearby, alas), who is not very experienced in making various system settings, is switching to Earthlink. They gave him a disk and told him he had to install their software. He's having problems with it. Is this software necessary? Why I ask: I recall the days before cable modem when I used to switch ISP's with some frequency, and each ISP had its own software. Invariably, it consisted of outdated versions of the same software that comes with every Mac.

Invariably, I tossed their software in the trash, and invariably, my connection worked. That included the @home (now Comcast) software, which they guaranteed was necessary in order for my cable modem to work. Into the trash, and it worked just as I knew it would. (The installation tech, who had only Windoze experience, was dumbfounded.) TIA!

Click to expand.It is erroneous to characterize my statements about Earthlink as 'derogatory', they are simply facts. For example, at this moment my earthlink DSL has been off all day and it happens at least 3 times a week. I am sending this message from TeraNews because I am at a public access point and can't send through Earthlink.

So you see, this is not a derogatory statement or any kind of value judgement, simply a status report. Gnarlie PS: Earthlink sucks and are part of the Axis of Evil, don't use them! Entity Wes Groleau spoke thus: I'll say.

They said my DSL would run at 1400 and the most I get is 700, usually 550 but sometimes 350. They blocked port 25 so I couldn't send IMAP to dotMac, it took a month to get that working. Service has been most unreliable, I need to reboot the modem and authenticate about 3 times a week. And I'm stuck with a 1 year contract. So there are 3 outfits here getting a piece of the action, Qwest, the phone company, Covad, the ISP and Earthlink, the retailer.

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Oh, and that software CD? I did The Twist on it. It's totally unrecommended to install it. Click to expand.I'll agree with that. Earthlink = DirtStink to me anymore.

Before they idiotically sold out to DirtStink - or before they bought 'em, or before they merged with 'em, or whatever the hell it was that actually happened - it never was made clear to me beyond 'you'll keep your '' address, but you'll start making the check to Earthlink', Mindspring.USED TO BE. a damn fine ISP. They went completely and totally to hell in the proverbial handbasket soon after the buyout/merger/aquisition, which was pretty much what I expected to happen. The only thing surprising about the slide was how fast it happened. Prior to the 'assimilation', I'd spent two happy years as a Mindspring customer. I bailed about a month after the switchover, they got so bad. I landed at Primenet, and for a year or so, it was everything Midnspring used to be.

Then DirtStink bought them up, and Primenet was turned into a wasteland. I bailed as soon as the word came out that Earthlink was taking over, but apparently it wasn't fast enough. It took cancelling my old credit card and getting a new one to get Earthlink to stop charging me for a service I wasn't using, didn't want, had told them to stick where the sun doesn't shine, and wanted nothing to do with. IMO, Earthlink is very possibly the worst ISP on the planet. And their 'required software' shows it - outdated copies of stuff that either comes already installed on every Mac, or can be downloaded from online sources, minus the idiotic Earthlink logo. Which brings me to another pet peeve. Why is it that outfits like, ferinstance, Earthlink, Yahoo, AOL, etc.

Feel it's neccesary to continue bombarding you with ads for their service once you're already a customer? I mean yeesh! It's not like I'm going to forget who I write the check to each month! It's at least as bad as the radio stations - 'We play and and and ' No kidding? Well then shut up with your stupid self-promo and.PLAY.

THE DAMN SONGS. instead of a bunch of 3 second snippet from them! Yeah, the FCC says you have to tell us who you are every half hour. But I don't need you telling me that you're Station WXYZ and you play classic rock after every third song! I.KNOW. you play classic rock.

That's why I tune to your station! Not to hear you telling me you play classic rock! How much brainpower does that take?????? Slid into rant mode, didn't I?

Click to expand.No. I've never used it. At home, my EL account is over a DSL line. I have a Linksys router plugged into the modem. The router terminates the PPP session.


The Mac talks straight TCP/IP with the router. When I travel and use Windows PCs, I use the generic 'Dial Up Networking' application to call an EL phone number. Again, it just works fine. The EL CD just includes some applications (web browser, mail, popup blocker, etc.) and a PPPoE client (for DSL) in case your OS doesn't come with one.

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